A podcast
About comics, movies, shows, and even action figures. Follow along as the hosts discuss what’s releasing, what released, and the history of “Nerd” material.
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Comic lover and local DM. Ethan grew up with the love of finding new comics to read in local garage sales. He eventually grow his comic knowledge and collection as he grew in age. Growing up with his co-hosts at a young age, he found there passion with comics was one in the same.
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Filmmaker and Storyteller Brett “Ryder” Rideout grew up with a love of all things story related. He loved how a well written story could make you feel. Various mediums resonated with him growing up, from movies and video games to books and comics. Films such as "Shawshank Redemption” and ‘The Lord of the Rings” were essential in contributing to his love of storytelling. Ryder was introduced to comics at a young age as well, with Sam Raimi’s Spiderman trilogy and through various video games. Ultimate Alliance played a key role in introducing him to the broader Marvel Universe and this love only grew stronger as the comic book medium expanded over time.
His favorite comics are either “Avenger: Fear Itself” or “Green Arrow: The Longbow Hunters”.
His favorite Comic Book Movie is Captain America: The Winter Soldier.
His favorite Comic Book Television Show is X-men Evolution.
His favorite song is “American Pie” by Don Mclean - 1977
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Dusty, like any other kid, was first introduced to Superhero’s at a young age through film. His childhood was filled with movies such as the Sam Rami Spider-Man trilogy, the X-Men movies, and TV shows such as Teen Titans and the justice league. It wasn’t until he and his brother began playing video games such as Marvels Ultimate Alliance that he would be introduced to the extended Marvel Universe. He instantly fell in love with Marvel and DC movies. He had always loved Batman and Superman, but shows the Arrow and the Flash got him back into DC in his early teen years. As he got older he became more interested in the comic side of these stories. The comic that started it all was Matt Fractions Hawkeye: My life as a weapon run. Hawkeye quickly became his favorite Hero after that, followed by hero’s such as The Human Torch, and Red Hood.
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